Sunday, March 4, 2012

A Few Quick Notes

It's still tax time and my husband and family are surviving without me!

I only see the kids (awake) for about 30 minutes each morning, but I've picked up a few things that have been going on around the house:

  • Keys are a very important to have when trying to enter your home . . . more about this later!
  • As we were passing the water fountains in town this morning, Caleb noticed they were turned off.  Brandon asked why they were off and Caleb replied "Because they aren't on Dad."  Very interesting reasoning by Caleb!
  • Sarah loves riding the school bus . . . I haven't had any arguments with her in the morning since she began riding the bus . . . none!  I feel like I've been living in another universe!  Who knew my mornings would be so peaceful if when riding the bus!  It's hectic getting up & out the door in under 30 minutes, but well worth it to avoid the separation anxiety at the school doors!
  • I turned in Caleb's preschool papers for enrollment this fall and I did it without crying!  I came close when talking to Brandon about it later that night, but I held myself together!  I cannot believe my baby will be starting preschool in September!
  • When watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Caleb told Mickey "We're coming to see you, Mickey!  See you soon."   I think someone is excited about going to Disney World!
  • Sarah had a field trip to the control tower at Scott Air Force Base; Brandon got to go with her since I was at work.  I'm not sure who had more fun!
  • Sarah is attending a cheer leading camp tomorrow . . . stay tuned!
  • Caleb has been potty training!  He is doing a great job, but is afraid to poop on the potty . . . apparently we still have some work to do in this department!  He has been wearing big boy underpants and loves them!  Of course, he got to buy his first pair of underpants . . . Mickey Mouse!
And the biggest change in our house. . . . Brandon shaved his beard and is back to sporting a goatee!  He looks very handsome!

I love my family for supporting me, feeding me and encouraging me during this time!
Only 6 1/2 more weeks to go!!!