Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Little Drummer Boy

Don't you love when you think you've put away toys to where they will never be found again??
Caleb found his drum and then decided to use this empty popcorn can for a "cymbal," yes - that is what he called it!  I think Brandon was so proud of him!
I thought he would tire of the drums, but several days later, he is still banging away and now it's even better because he is taking them to different locations in the house. . . my bedroom, the basement, the bathroom. . .
Don't get any ideas - he does NOT need a drum set for Christmas!!!

Sarah's 7th Birthday!

Sarah turned 7!  Yippie!  Well she turned 7 a couple months ago, but I'm reliving the past! 
The dress she is wearing was a gift from Grandma - it's all she asked for - a dress with horses on it!  Way to go Grandma, she loves the dress! 
Sarah has discovered how to search for images on Google,
so she designed her own birthday cake this year. 
I believe this was her third choice only because Brandon's store can't make a cake out of fondant icing!  But the cake looked great and Caleb was generous enough to let us use his farm animals for decorations! 
Sarah waiting on Brandon to say her special Birthday Prayer! 
Great Grandma Lill, Sarah & me
The BIG birthday gift from Brandon & me. .  a monkey bar addition to her swing set! 
But of course, that wasn't enough of an addition. . . so Brandon extended the swing area and added this other swing "thingy" . . not sure what it's really called, but you can swing & twist on it.  Sarah seemed to enjoy it! 
Even though it was a very hot day, the kids all enjoyed playing outside on the improved swing set. . well for about 30 minutes anyway - it was hot!
Caleb even got to enjoy the new monkey bars thanks to a little help from Uncle Jason!
Then Uncle Jason got to play too - I just wasn't fast enough with the camera!
After such a wonderful birthday party, we always need a follow up birthday party on our actual birthdate!  So we had a little leftover cake and a few more gifts to stretch out the excitement!  After all you only turn 7 once!
Happy Birthday, Sarah!  We love you!

Caleb's First Day of Preschool

Caleb has been going to school for over one month now!
He loves it, but let me back track a little. . .
Here is our first morning of Caleb getting ready to go to school.
His every important sugary breakfast cereal. . . yum!
We had his crayon cup all decorated with Mickey Mouse stickers. . .
sorry, buddy - I just couldn't find any tractor stickers!
Note for next year - check Lee's in Nashville . . .found them there a couple days ago!
But nevertheless, his cup look cool & he enjoyed putting all the stickers on it!
He only briefly hesitated at the door and then went in to play with all the tractors at the school!
I can't believe how fast the time has gone by. . . my little man is going to school!